QIAGEN Genomic-tips, included in Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kits, use unique QIAGEN anion-exchange technology to purify high-molecular-weight DNA from a wide range of biological samples without phenol or chloroform. Lysis buffers are optimized for different sample types and provide immediate denaturation of proteins such as nucleases, histones and DNA-binding proteins, as well as potentially infectious viral particles. Under the pH and low-salt conditions provided by the buffer, DNA binds to the QIAGEN Resin in the column. At the same time, other cell constituents such as proteins, carbohydrates and metabolites flow through. Purified DNA is eluted in a high-salt buffer. Genomic-tips operate by gravity flow, and can be left unattended without running dry. This reduces hands-on time to a minimum and makes the procedure ideal for simultaneous processing of multiple samples.